TeX & Friends (Planet by DANTE e.V.)


TeX & Friends (by Jürgen Fenn)

AUCTeX wird nur noch über ELPA verteilt

Nach einer längeren Diskussion hat Tassilo Horn heute Morgen bekanntgegeben, dass AUCTeX, die Entwicklungsumbegung für (La)TeX in Emacs, nicht mehr als Tarball verteilt werde. AUCTeX kann seitdem nur noch über das Archiv ELPA bezogen werden. AUCTeX 13.3 war demnach die letzte Version, die es noch als Tarball gab. Die aktuelle Version ist AUCTeX 14.0.6.

Hi all,

from now on, AUCTeX releases are only made through the Emacs Lisp
Package Archive [1], so auctex-13.3 is the last standalone tarball
release. Distro packagers are encouraged to use the ELPA packages as-is
and install them under one of the new Emacs locations for system-wide
packages, see `package-directory-list’.

At the same time, development is now done on the „main“ branch and the
„master“ branch has been deleted. Its last state has been pushed as
„auctex-13“ branch for archiving purposes but it won’t get any updates

For users who tracked the master branch: do „git switch main“ to switch
to the main brach where development takes place nowadays.


[1] https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/auctex.html

Für die meisten Benutzer ändert sich dadurch in der Praxis nichts. AUCTeX ist weiterhin nicht Bestandteil von Emacs und muss daher nachinstalliert werden. Wer AUCTeX, wie üblich, über den Paketmanager package.el aus ELPA installiert hatte, wird von dort auch weiterhin Updates erhalten. Wer bisher die Entwicklerversion bezogen hatte, kann per git switch main von master zu main wechseln. Der Branch auctex-13 wurde heute zum Archiv.

by schneeschmelze at Friday, 2024-07-26 08:28


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: luamplib

Dohyun Kim submitted an update to the



Version:  2.34.2 2024-07-24
License:  gpl2

Summary description:  Use LuaTeX’s built-in MetaPost interpreter

Announcement text:
* With the newly introduced macros, \mplibgroup ... \endmplibgroup, users can define a transparency group or a normal form XObject from TeX side. ...

Thursday, 2024-07-25 10:01

CTAN update: sillypage

Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda submitted an update to the



Version: 1.7 2023-07-23
License: cc-by-sa-4 lppl1.3c

Summary description: John Cleese’s Silly Walk as page numbering style

Announcement text:
That silly package is back! ...

Thursday, 2024-07-25 07:39

CTAN update: reledpar

Maïeul Rouquette submitted an update to the



Version: 2.25.7 2024-07-23
License: lppl1.3

Summary description: Typeset scholarly editions in parallel texts

Announcement text:
Fix compatibility with polyglossia 2.2 ...

Thursday, 2024-07-25 07:38

New on CTAN: doibanner

Christian Schreinemachers submitted the



Version: 0.2 2024-07-23
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Generate DOI banners and links

Announcement text:
A LaTeX package to generate DOI banners and links. ...

Thursday, 2024-07-25 07:37


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

New on CTAN: bonum-otf

Herbert Voß submitted the



Version number: 0.01
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Support for the OpenType font Bonum

Announcement text:
TeX Gyre Bonum is a replacement for the Bookman font. It also supports math. ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-24 19:19

CTAN update: lni

Martin Sievers submitted an update to the



Version:  1.10 2024-07-23
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Official class for the “Lecture Notes in Informatics”

Announcement text:
Bugfix version v1.10 ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-24 16:56

CTAN update: se2thesis

Stephan Lukasczyk submitted an update to the



Version:  4.3.0 2024-07-23
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  A Thesis Class for the Chair of Software Engineering II at the University of Passau, Germany

Announcement text:
Fixed: - The spelling “bachelor thesis” and “master thesis” are widely used, ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-24 16:50

CTAN update: univie-ling

Jürgen Spitzmüller submitted an update to the



Version: 2.7 2024-07-23
License: lppl1.3

Summary description: Papers, theses and research proposals in (Applied) Linguistics at Vienna University

Announcement text:
V. 2.7 (2024-07-23): - univie-ling-wlg: Use proper spacing with covington's ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-24 13:29

CTAN update: fancyhdr

Pieter van Oostrum submitted an update to the



Version:  4.3.1 2024-07-23
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:  Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e

Announcement text:
Correction to previous bug fix. ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-24 10:53


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: Junicode

Bob Tennent submitted an update to the



Version number: 2.209 2024-07-21
License type: ofl lppl

Summary description: A TrueType and OpenType font family for mediaevalists

Announcement text:
This version of Junicode adds more than forty new glyphs for the Ansund project. It also adjusts the slant of ...

Monday, 2024-07-22 20:04

CTAN update: junicodevf

Bob Tennent submitted an update to the



Version:  2.209
License:  ofl lppl

Summary description:  A TrueType variable font family for mediaevalists

Announcement text:
This version of Junicode adds more than forty new glyphs for the Ansund project. It also adjusts the slant of ...

Monday, 2024-07-22 19:40

CTAN update: subeqnarray

Johannes L. Braams submitted an update to the



Version:  2.1e 2024-07-20
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Equation array with sub numbering

Announcement text:
A small update to update the contact info ...

Monday, 2024-07-22 13:00

CTAN update: subeqn

Johannes L. Braams submitted an update to the



Version:  2.0c
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Package for subequation numbering

Announcement text:
A small update to correct contact info ...

Monday, 2024-07-22 10:11

CTAN update: mailing

Johannes L. Braams submitted an update to the



Version:  1.0c 2024-07-20
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Macros for mail merging

Announcement text:
A small update to correct contact info ...

Monday, 2024-07-22 10:10


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: mathastext

Jean-François Burnol submitted an update to the



Version number: 1.4a 2024-07-20
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Use the text font in maths mode

Announcement text:
With this release, your documents will compile faster: mathastext does not use at all anymore the \everymath/\everydisplay registers ...

Sunday, 2024-07-21 20:17

CTAN update: l3kernel-dev

The LaTeX Project Team submitted an update to the



Version:  2024-07-20
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Development pre-release of l3kernel

Announcement text:
### Fixed ...

Sunday, 2024-07-21 13:22

CTAN update: supertabular

Johannes L. Braams submitted an update to the



Version:  4.2c 2024-07-20
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  A multi-page tables package

Announcement text:
A new release of supertabular with an accumulated number of improvements (version 4.1g, 4.2{a,b,c}) ...

Sunday, 2024-07-21 10:00


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: changebar

Johannes L. Braams submitted an update to the



Version:  3.7e
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:  Generate changebars in LaTeX documents

Announcement text:
Repaired a clash which occurs when \usepackage[french]{babel} and \usepackage{changebar} which leads to nasty error messages. ...

Saturday, 2024-07-20 15:07

CTAN update: iwonamath

Boris Veytsman submitted an update to the



Version:  1.1  2024-07-19
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  LaTeX support for scaled Iwona math fonts

Announcement text:
Improved delimitershack as suggested by Enrico Gregorio. ...

Saturday, 2024-07-20 14:56

CTAN update: photobook

Alex A. Naanou submitted an update to the



Version: 0.1.31
License: bsd3

Summary description: A document class for typesetting photo books

Announcement text:
Woraround an Arithmetic overflow in calc's \ratio{..}{..}, see Issues section in docs. ...

Saturday, 2024-07-20 13:05

CTAN update: luamplib

Dohyun Kim submitted an update to the



Version:  2.34.1 2024-07-19
License:  gpl2

Summary description:  Use LuaTeX’s built-in MetaPost interpreter

Announcement text:
* Transparency group is available with plain format as well. ...

Saturday, 2024-07-20 07:50


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: latexindent

Chris Hughes submitted an update to the



Version number: 3.24.4 2024-07-18
License type: gpl3

Summary description: Indent a LaTeX document, highlighting the programming structure

Announcement text:
graceful fail for columns=0 text wrapping, full details at https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl/releases/tag/V3.24.4 ...

Friday, 2024-07-19 19:12

CTAN update: tramlines

Elijah Z Granet submitted an update to the



Version number: 1.1.1
License type: lppl1.3c cc-by-sa-3

Summary description: A package for creating tramlines (lines above and below a title used
    by lawyers in the UK)

Announcement text:
Change erroneous left alignment to centre ...

Friday, 2024-07-19 19:10

CTAN update: moderncv

Daniel Adlkofer submitted an update to the



Version:  2.4.1 2024-07-18
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  A modern curriculum vitae class

Announcement text:
We are happy to announce the moderncv release v2.4.1 including features and bug fixes like: ...

Friday, 2024-07-19 18:11

CTAN update: fancyhdr

Pieter van Oostrum submitted an update to the



Version:  4.3 2024-07-18
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:  Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e

Announcement text:
Prevent paragraph hooks leaking into fancyhdr code ...

Friday, 2024-07-19 17:12

New on CTAN: wrapstuff-doc-en

Siyu Wu submitted the



Version:  0.3 2024-07-18
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  English version of the wrapstuff package documentation

Announcement text:
Currently the wrapstuff package has its documentation only in Chinese, which may lose many potential users. ...

Friday, 2024-07-19 16:22

CTAN update: photobook

Alex A. Naanou submitted an update to the



Version: 0.1.30
License: bsd3

Summary description: A document class for typesetting photo books

Announcement text:
Updated docs to better reflect the paperwidth/paperheigt within the page geometry... ...

Friday, 2024-07-19 12:59

CTAN update: LeteSansMath

Daniel Flipo submitted an update to the



Version: 0.41 2024-07-17
License: ofl lppl1.3c

Summary description: Lato-based OpenType Math font for LuaTeX and XeTeX

Announcement text:
Added feature cv11 to provide a single-storey variant for lowercase g (upright, italic, bold, bolditalic). ...

Friday, 2024-07-19 10:48


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: luamplib

Dohyun Kim submitted an update to the



Version: 2.34.0 2024-07-17
License: gpl2

Summary description: Use LuaTeX’s built-in MetaPost interpreter

Announcement text:
* support transparency group with metafun format * fix regarding default value in circular fading mode ...

Thursday, 2024-07-18 10:16


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: tkz-elements

Alain Matthes submitted an update to the



Version number: 2.30c
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: A Lua library for drawing Euclidean geometry with TikZ or tkz-euclide

Announcement text:
- new version of the macro `\tkzGetNodes` written by Sanskar Singh. This version now fixes a bug that prevented a figure from being centred with `centering` or the `center` ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-17 20:00

CTAN update: biblatex-publist

Jürgen Spitzmüller submitted an update to the



Version:  2.12 2024-07-16
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:  BibLaTeX bibliography support for publication lists

Announcement text:
- Externalize localization to *.lbx files. ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-17 16:23

New on CTAN: LuwianType

Jonathan Walls submitted the



Version:  1.2 2024-07-15
License:  lppl1.3c ofl

Summary description:  Typesetting package for Hieroglyphic Luwian

Announcement text:
The LuwianType package allows for typing in Hieroglyphic Luwian in LaTeX documents, using relatively simple commands based on ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-17 07:17


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: polyglossia

Jürgen Spitzmüller submitted an update to the



Version: 2.2 2024-07-15
License: mit lppl1.3 cc0

Summary description: An alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX

Announcement text:
2.2 (2024/07/15) ...

Tuesday, 2024-07-16 19:36

New on CTAN: moremath

Marcel Ilg submitted the



Version:  0.4.0 2024-07-15
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:  Additional commands for typesetting maths

Announcement text:
The moremath package provides several document level commands to ease typesetting and readability of LaTeX math code for certain ...

Tuesday, 2024-07-16 17:18

CTAN update: passopt

Qu Yi submitted an update to the



Version: 1.01 2024-07-15
License: cc-by-4

Summary description: Passing options to packages or classes

Announcement text:
- Synchronization modifier for lists of @raw at opt@ and opt at . - Options that are set are expanded once rather than fully expanded. ...

Tuesday, 2024-07-16 17:05

CTAN update: heria

Tristan Miller submitted an update to the



Version: 2024-07-14
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  A LaTeX class for Horizon Europe RIA and IA grant proposals

Announcement text:
This version adds support for version 3.4 of the official Horizon Europe Part B template and adds backward compatibility with earlier ...

Tuesday, 2024-07-16 06:00


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: luaxml

Michal Hoftich submitted an update to the



Version: 0.2 2024-07-14
License: other-free

Summary description: Lua library for reading and serialising XML files

Announcement text:
New features: ...

Monday, 2024-07-15 17:17

CTAN update: markdown

Vít Starý Novotný submitted an update to the



Version: 3.6.2-0-g6c30af7e 2024-07-14
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Converting and rendering markdown documents inside TeX

Announcement text:
Fixes: - Fix the interplay between inline notes and square brackets. ...

Monday, 2024-07-15 16:18

CTAN update: luamplib

Dohyun Kim submitted an update to the



Version: 2.33.1 2024-07-14
License: gpl2

Summary description: Use LuaTeX’s built-in MetaPost interpreter

Announcement text:
* refactor the manual, including some minor items undocumented so far ...

Monday, 2024-07-15 16:17

CTAN update: responsive

Michal Hoftich submitted an update to the



Version:  0.1a 2024-07-14
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:   Responsive design methods for LaTeX

Announcement text:
This release brings two small fixes: ...

Monday, 2024-07-15 13:43

CTAN update: latexindent

Chris Hughes submitted an update to the



Version:  3.24.3 2024-07-14
License:  gpl3

Summary description:  Indent a LaTeX document, highlighting the programming structure

Announcement text:
-y switch bug fix for lookForAlignDelims, full details at https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl/releases/tag/V3.24.3 ...

Monday, 2024-07-15 09:26

CTAN update: luatexja

Hironori Kitagawa submitted an update to the



Version:  20240714.0
License:  bsd

Summary description:  Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX

Announcement text:
* cleanup codes for old LaTeX (earlier than 2021-06-01) (gh/#9) * luatexja-fontspec: added \providejfontfamily etc. (gh/#10) ...

Monday, 2024-07-15 06:03


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: ProfLycee

Cédric Pierquet submitted an update to the



Version: 3.04d 2024-07-13
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school

Announcement text:
Insertion de codes (grâce à piton) via un fichier externe. ...

Sunday, 2024-07-14 13:07

CTAN update: tkz-grapheur

Cédric Pierquet submitted an update to the



Version: 0.1.6 2024-07-13
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: A LaTeX package with tools for graph plotting (and TikZ)

Announcement text:
Vertical asymptot + Monte-Carlo method ...

Sunday, 2024-07-14 13:06

CTAN update: customenvs

Cédric Pierquet submitted an update to the



Version: 0.1.8 2024-07-13
License: lppl1.3c cc-by-sa-4

Summary description: Custom environments (MCQ, list with picked items, ...)

Announcement text:
Macro for a "score banner". ...

Sunday, 2024-07-14 13:05


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: kaytannollista-latexia

Teemu Likonen submitted an update to the



Version: 2024.7
License: cc-by-sa-4

Summary description: Practical manual for LaTeX (Finnish)

Announcement text:
Various improvements, including: ...

Saturday, 2024-07-13 09:07


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: overarrows

Julien Labbé submitted an update to the



Version: 1.2 2024-07-11
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Custom extensible arrows over math expressions

Announcement text:
overarrows is a LaTeX package to create custom arrows over math expressions, mainly for vectors (but arrows can as well be drawn below). Arrows stretch with ...

Friday, 2024-07-12 15:10

CTAN update: pst-node

Herbert Voß submitted an update to the



Version:  1.45
License:  lppl

Summary description:  Nodes and node connections in PSTricks

Announcement text:
----- pst-node.tex. - the main file 1.45 - fix \algparnode (Erich Schmidt) ...

Friday, 2024-07-12 08:33


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

New on CTAN: passopt

Qu Yi submitted the



Version number: 1.00a
License type: cc-by-4

Summary description: Passing options to packages or classes

Announcement text:
passopt allow reset the global options of a loaded macro package or document class, or to ...

Thursday, 2024-07-11 19:35

CTAN update: pst-diffraction

Herbert Voß submitted an update to the



Version number: 2.06
License type: lppl

Summary description: Print diffraction patterns from various apertures

Announcement text:
2.06 2004-07-10 - fix for missing contrast option for \psdiffractionCircular (Keno Wehr) ...

Thursday, 2024-07-11 19:32

CTAN update: chemformula-ru

Alexey Kuznetsov submitted an update to the



Version:  2024-07-10
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Using the chemformula package with babel-russian settings

Announcement text:
Update for the chemformula-ru package. Loading the chemformula.sty is added, ...

Thursday, 2024-07-11 19:15

CTAN update: hyperref

The LaTeX Project Team submitted an update to the



Version:  7.01j 2024-07-10
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:  Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX

Announcement text:
* enable use of onmousedown and onmouseup, issue #342 ...

Thursday, 2024-07-11 13:37

CTAN update: tcolorbox

Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the



Version:  6.3.0 2024-07-10
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:  Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc

Announcement text:
### Added - Library `documentation`: ...

Thursday, 2024-07-11 07:58

CTAN update: knuth-pdf

Andreas Scherer submitted an update to the



Version: 2.4 2024-07-10
License: pd

Summary description: PDF collection of typeset C/WEB sources in TeX Live

Announcement text:
This new release of the 'knuth-pdf' package ...

Thursday, 2024-07-11 07:27

CTAN update: knuth-hint

Andreas Scherer submitted an update to the



Version: 2.4 2024-07-10
License: pd knuth

Summary description: HINT collection of typeset C/WEB sources in TeX Live

Announcement text:
This new release of the 'knuth-hint' package ...

Thursday, 2024-07-11 07:26


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: moloch

Johan Larsson submitted an update to the



Version: 0.4.0
License: cc-by-sa-4

Summary description: Beamer based on Metropolis theme

Announcement text:
## [0.4.0](https://github.com/jolars/moloch/compare/v0.3.0...v0.4.0) (2024-07-09) ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-10 21:01

CTAN update: pstricks-base

Herbert Voß submitted an update to the



Version:  3.20 2024-07-09
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:  PostScript macros for TeX

Announcement text:
Changed \clipbox to \psclipbox to prevent clash with other package which also uses \clipbox. ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-10 17:56

CTAN update: jnuexam

Jianrui Lyu submitted an update to the



Version: 2024F 2024-07-09
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Exam class for Jinan University

Announcement text:
- use \AtEndDocument instead of \@enddocumenthook - add missing evaluator row ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-10 15:02

CTAN update: randexam

Jianrui Lyu submitted an update to the



Version: 2024F 2024-07-09
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Make an exam paper and its randomized variants

Announcement text:
- use \AtEndDocument instead of \@enddocumenthook ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-10 15:01

CTAN update: lie-hasse

Benjamin McKay submitted an update to the



Version:  1.01 2024-07-09
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Draw Hasse diagrams

Announcement text:
Changes: fixes a extremely minor error: when drawing a Hasse diagram of the roots of the 14-dimensional simple Lie group G2 and attaching ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-10 13:16

CTAN update: typog

Chris Spiel submitted an update to the



Version:  0.4 2024-07-08
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Typographic fine-tuning and micro-typographic enhancements

Announcement text:
New feature: Adjust height of labels in itemize environments. ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-10 09:57

CTAN update: synthslant

Chris Spiel submitted an update to the



Version:  0.1a 2024-07-08
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Synthetically slant text

Announcement text:
Bugfix release. Add missing \RequirePackage. ...

Wednesday, 2024-07-10 09:03


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

New on CTAN: tango

Michel Bovani submitted the



Version: 0.7.1
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: A LaTeX document class for math teachers

Announcement text:
Tango is a LaTeX document class for use by mathematics teachers. It requires ...

Tuesday, 2024-07-09 18:21

CTAN update: prtec

John H. Lienhard submitted an update to the



Version:  1.07 2024-07-07
License:  mit

Summary description:  A template for PRTEC conference papers

Announcement text:
This package provides a LaTeX class, a BibTeX style, and a LaTeX template to format conference papers for the Pacific Rim Thermal ...

Tuesday, 2024-07-09 07:54

CTAN update: luamplib

Dohyun Kim submitted an update to the



Version: 2.33.0 2024-07-08
License: gpl2

Summary description: Use LuaTeX’s built-in MetaPost interpreter

Announcement text:
* provide a new metapost operator 'withfademethod' and related macros, which make the color of a picture/path object gradiently transparent. ...

Tuesday, 2024-07-09 07:08


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: pgf-PeriodicTable

Hugo Gomes submitted an update to the



Version:  2.1.1 2024-07-07
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:  Create custom periodic tables of elements

Announcement text:
New keys: ...

Monday, 2024-07-08 19:58

CTAN update: pgf-spectra

Hugo Gomes submitted an update to the



Version:  3.0.1a 2024-07-07
License:  lppl1.3

Summary description:  Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ

Announcement text:
Removed lines data outside the range 10nm - 4000nm (H, He, Be, C, Si, Kr, Sn, I) in LSE data file, which generate a package warning, e.g. ...

Monday, 2024-07-08 16:33

CTAN update: esami

Salvatore Vassallo submitted an update to the



Version: 2.9 2024-07-03
License: lppl

Summary description: Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers

Announcement text:
The package now loads the package tagpdf-base to avoid an error on the measures of the boxes. ...

Monday, 2024-07-08 06:22

CTAN update: mf2pt1

Scott Pakin submitted an update to the



Version: 2.8
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Convert stylized Metafont to PostScript Type 1

Announcement text:
mf2pt1 facilitates producing PostScript Type 1 fonts from a Metafont source file. mf2pt1's advantage over tools such as TeXtrace and mftrace is that it ...

Monday, 2024-07-08 06:21

LaTeX Project

How to make accessible PDF

How to make accessible PDF

The “LaTeX Tagged PDF” project is now advanced enough that more and more people start using it. We have therefore begun with building usage documentation that is not scattered across different repositories as this is the case at the moment.

A while ago we created a dedicated tagging-project repository for issues encountered with the project code. In this repository people can report problems and look up the current state of known issues. It is also hosting discussions related to the project.

We have now extended this repository to use GitHub pages providing a small number of web pages. So far it holds

This documentation and the tables are all work in progress and will get updated whenever there is new information.

The initial work on the compatibility tables was provided by Ian Thompson — thanks for that! If you want to help improving this, then this is easily possible. We are looking for volunteers who try out the tagging code in various ways and report problems or package incompatibilites and help with developing tests that prove or disprove that the tagging code can be used with packages for which we don’t have enough data so far.

— Frank

Monday, 2024-07-08 00:00


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: colortbl

David Carlisle submitted an update to the



Version number: 1.0i 2024-07-06
License type: lppl

Summary description: Add colour to LaTeX tables

Announcement text:
Update to colortbl to improve compatibility with the LaTeX tagging project code, ...

Sunday, 2024-07-07 19:30

CTAN update: dynkin-diagrams

Benjamin McKay submitted an update to the



Version:  3.14159265358979323846
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Draw Dynkin, Coxeter, and Satake diagrams using TikZ

Announcement text:
Changes: ...

Sunday, 2024-07-07 19:28

CTAN update: pst-node

Herbert Voß submitted an update to the



Version:  1.44 2024-07-04
License:  lppl

Summary description:  Nodes and node connections in PSTricks

Announcement text:
This version has a modified \psparnode and \allgparnode for setting nodes on a curve. ...

Sunday, 2024-07-07 08:30

New on CTAN: gelasiomath

Michael Sharpe submitted the



Version: 1.00 2024-07-05
License: ofl lppl1.3

Summary description: Math and small cap additions to Gelasio fonts

Announcement text:
Math support for the gelasio package, along with small caps based on XCharter. ...

Sunday, 2024-07-07 05:26


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: ResolSysteme

Cédric Pierquet submitted an update to the



Version: 0.1.8 2024-07-04
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Work on linear systems using xint or pyluatex

Announcement text:
0.1.8 Bugfixes + improvements in documentation ...

Friday, 2024-07-05 15:58

CTAN update: lt3luabridge

Vít Starý Novotný submitted an update to the



Version:  2.2.0 2024-07-03
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Execute Lua code in any TeX engine that exposes the shell

Announcement text:
Development: ...

Friday, 2024-07-05 15:00

CTAN update: ProfCollege

Christophe Poulain submitted an update to the



Version: 0.99-A-g
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in college

Announcement text:
- Some news command for probability. - Some news keys for \Relie, \Cartographie... ...

Friday, 2024-07-05 07:00


Announcement of New Packages on CTAN (by CTAN Maintainer)

CTAN update: mitthesis

John H. Lienhard submitted an update to the



Version: 1.13 2024-07-03
License: mit

Summary description: A LaTeX template for an MIT thesis

Announcement text:
The mitthesis class formats an MIT thesis or dissertation according to the current requirements of the MIT Libraries. This template is appropriate for MIT ...

Thursday, 2024-07-04 14:29

CTAN update: lastpage

Hans-Martin Münch submitted an update to the



Version: 2.1b 2024-07-03
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Reference last page for Page N of M type footers

Announcement text:
The beamer class loads hyperref partially, so that hyperref is incorrectly detected as having been loaded. The defining operation for \lastpage at Hy has ...

Thursday, 2024-07-04 11:54